Monday, February 13, 2012

Blog, blog, blog

In my personal opinion, the purpose of blogging is to facilitate conversation, communication, and community. Bloggers create their own blogs to share their own experiences, knowledge, and personal journeys with an audience. When people follow a blog, they are investing a personal interest in another person. One of the nice things about blogs is that they are not a one-sided form of communication—hence the comment button. Bloggers are able to interact and receive feedback from their followers. 

As I’m sure we all know by now, the way a website looks can attract (or deter) viewers. The same thing can be said about blogs. Multiple text typefaces, unattractive (i.e. pixilated, blurry, etc) photos, or a choppy layout can turn people away. After all, if someone isn’t able to get their blog looking presentable, how can you expect that they will have anything of value to say? Sad, but it is the truth.

Blog content can vary from topic to topic. My favorite blogs include blogs on health, delicious recipes, and fitness. However, there are blog topics ranging on all sorts of topics from church missions, to life as a single parent, to photography showcases. The point is that blogs should be kept interesting to your audience. 

Speaking of audience, you need to anticipate their needs as readers in order to keep them engaged! If you’re blogging about food, for an example, vary your recipes instead of regurgitating the same information in a different way. Also remember that you will lose your audience if you are not updating your blog on a regular basis. A good rule of thumb is to update your blog at least once a week (preferably twice if you can). Staying relevant to your audience is crucial to maintaining and growing your blog following base. 

Maybe most importantly, you should enjoy what you're blogging about! People can tell if you don't. 

1 comment:

  1. Nicole,
    Your blog looks great! I enjoyed looking at your previous posts with all of the excellent photography work. You certainly have a talent for the field and I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.



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